Retro Easter Banner

Click through for all the steps…
Materials needed:
  • Wooden letters
  • Old sheet music, felt & colorful paper
  • Glitter, ribbons & string
  • Spray paint, spray glitter, craft glue, hot glue gun & scissors
  • Circle stencil, pen, small velcro circles & poster board

Step 1: Spray paint your letters. When they are dry, spray them with glitter spray. Let them dry completely.
Step 2: Cut out a rectangular template from your poster board with 12″x6″ dimensions. Trace around your template onto your colored paper* and cut out your paper rectangle. Fold your paper rectangle along the short side in an accordion style fold. Tie a string around the middle of your folded paper and cut off the ends of the string.
* This gorgeous paper is from an awesome art store in NYC called New York Central Art Supply – they have an amazing assortment of papers from around the world. These ones were handmade in Nepal.
Step 3: Along the top edge of your tied accordion paper, hot glue a bead of glue along half of the edge, bring the two corners up to meet and press along the seam to seal it so it forms a fan shape. Repeat these steps on the bottom edge of your accordion paper so it forms a full, fanned circle. Dip the edge of your circle in craft glue and then glitter to coat the entire edge of your circle with glitter. Lay flat to dry.
Step 4: While your glittered circle is drying, begin working on your sheet music. I simply folded my sheet music in half the long way and cut, and it was the perfect size, but in case your sheet music paper is a different size than mine, you can make another poster board template with 4.5″x12″ dimensions and trace it onto your music paper. Once your sheet music is cut into the appropriate size, repeat steps from above (minus the glitter edge).
Step 5: Trace a circle the right size for your letters onto your felt and cut it out. Place a velcro circle and it’s mate in the centers of your music circle fan and your felt circle (on the pen side). Hot glue your music circle onto the center the colored-paper circle with the velcro facing up. Hot glue the back of your letter and press it onto the non-velcro side of your felt circle. Velcro your felt-letter to the top of your paper circles.
Step 6: When all of banner circles are done, cut out small holes (make sure they are large enough for your ribbon to fit through) on the backs, making sure they are hidden by the music circles in front. Thread your ribbon through the backs of your circles – I used a velvet ribbon and a colored ribbon to go with the vintage feel of this banner. Don’t worry if your letters don’t line up perfectly once it is hanging, they are velcro so you can adjust them. I can’t wait to use this banner with a new phrase at our next party!


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