How To Make Recycled Fabrics Knitted Purses

The Knitting Technique

I prefer using a type of fabric that won't run

The technique involves cutting fabric into thin strips, preferably using a type of fabric that won't run at the edges when cut into thin strips (each strip should be about 1/2 of an inch wide) and the whole length of the fabric. The best fabrics that worked were the polyester blends (or you can also use pinking shears or scallop edged scissors to cut ravel-resistant edges. Although this is not the same as a straight edge cut, the stitches still look beautiful on this type of project. I also made one purse using a softer fabric for which I had to use pinking shears and it still was very beautiful. If you're not certain about the fabric and using pinking shears, you can always try making a small sample before beginning a larger project.

Continue making many long strips in the same fashion as described above because you'll need to connect them into one very, very long strip. One way to connect these fabric strips is by sewing one end of a strip to the next strip. While slightly overlapping one strip end to the next strip end, hand sew a few stitches to bind the two ends together (I used a regular sewing needle and matching colored thread).

Making The Fabric Ball

Just like you would form a ball of yarn

Repeat this process many times, because you'll need to take this very long strip and start forming a fabric ball, just like you would form a ball of yarn. The lady on the show never indicated how much fabric she used to make her finished product, but I cut many strips and (comparing it to the size of a ball of yarn) made a medium sized fabric (strip) ball and then began knitting. I cut about 2/3 of one yard into strips, but I did have about 3 yards of fabric in reserve in case I ran out of strips and had to cut more strips. So depending on your project, fabric, size needles, you'll have to estimate how much you'll need as you go along.

The knitting needles

I used size 12 knitting needles

The lady used large knitting needles (size 13), but I used size 12 knitting needles. I then took one end of my fabric strip, made my slip knot and cast on 16 stitches from my fabric ball. I started knitting and just used my discretion when I completed a rectangle to the size that I thought was perfect for my small purse. You can always experiment with the type of fabric you'd like to use, as well as with the needle size for the project you decide to knit.


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